A lot to tell!

Update about the past yearHi there, it’s been a while since I last wrote. I’ve been quite busy and I haven’t really had the time or energy to update the blog. I have a little bad conscience because I just disappeared from the blog without saying anything. But now I’m back with an update for those of you who are interested in what has happened in my life the past year. Because it’s been an eventful year and I’m happier than ever.

Do you remember that I was joking about that there must be someone out there for me? Someone who likes casino, Sinatra, sports, junk food and traveling? I finally found her. She does not meet all the criteria, for example she does not like Frank Sinatra or junk food, but she is perfect anyway. We actually met at a casino and it was love at first sight, at least for me. After a few dates we decided to go to Vegas together and it was an experience out of the ordinary.

If you ever get the chance to go there – take it! We had great fun and went into the tourist role to 100%. We looked at the famous Las Vegas sign, took a limousine ride along the strip and checked out Downtown where Las Vegas once began to emerge. Of course there were also some casino visits and we tested both roulette, black jack and different slots. Although we tried to do as much as possible during the trip, we also enjoyed some relaxation at the hotel pool. I really miss the pool and wish I could have brought it home with me.

After the Vegas trip, I was sure she was the right one so I proposed. Fortunately, she said yes. So now I’m happily engaged and plans the next big trip that will go to Hawaii. As you know, both me and the children want to go back to Hawaii and now it finally looks like it will happen. Longs very much and I think it will great.

Until we travel, however, I will work as usual. The holidays are over and it’s evident in the bookings.

Trying betting and going on holiday

What a wonderful day! The sun is shining and the birds are singing 🙂
It has been some busy weeks at the clinic and I’m going to take a few days off now, take a long weekend with my daughters. I´m glad that the customers keep coming and it´s a very pleasant feeling to be able to help the with their pain. I must admit that it feels good to be able to put a few dollars extra to my saving account. The girls are going on and on about a new trip to Hawaii 😀 It´s a bit expensive living by yourself with two daughters, I guess many of you can relate.

My plans for this weekend depends on the weather. I love to take my girls out hiking. It’s important to me that my kids eat healthy and exercise daily. That is, according to me, the recipe for a long healthy life with less injures.

I have tried betting at football

Big football match coming up

Next Sunday is a big day for my youngest. She will participate in her first football match. She is so excited about it. I will sit at the front of the stands, cheering! I have always liked football but since she started to play my interest has grown bigger. I started to google, everything from rules to the proper football stockings. Will you be surprised if I tell you that I ended up betting some? 😀 I found this site called oddsexpert.co.uk and just couldn’t help myself. So I made a bet, just for fun. But who knows, this might be even funnier than casinos. But for now, over and out. My computer will not be opened until Monday.

Have a lovely weekend

Looking for someone that loves casino, gambling & Sinatra

Long time no see…

Dreaming about a trip to the casinos in VegasI must say that it´s hard to run a blog. I tend to loose my motivation real fast. I have been thinking about this and decided to give it another try. So, what´s up with me?

My business are doing well. I´m still single and I´m  still in to gambling. Maybe I should spend some time on online dating while I’m at it? There must be a woman out there – somebody like me – who’s in to sports, casino and online gambling. Someone who likes to travel, eat junk food and listen to Elvis, Sinatra and Bowie (my three biggest idols). Someone to come home to after a long day at work. Someone who would like to go to Vegas with me someday 🙂

Casino tips

Anyway, today I would like to share a site with you that recently became one of my favorites: casinonodeposituk.co.uk 

You can read reviews and get some tip to find the best casinos with no deposit bonuses and a lot of extra spins. For those with none or less experience of online casino there are so much information to take part of that you will end up as an casino pro.

Sooo… who wants to play with me? 🙂

Back from Hawaii!

The beaches was beautiful!Hi again guys! Sorry for being so late with my next update, but I’ve been so busy with work and working out (yes, I now work out) so the site had to suffer a bit. However, now I’m back to the every day life and I feel like I have the time to tell you a bit about my trip to Hawaii. I went with my daughter and we had a great time! Again, thank you all for the wonderful tips!

So, I’ll try to tell you a bit of what we did. The first two days we mostly just went around and enjoyed ourselves by looking at the surrounding and chilling at the beach. It was really nice and we took a lot of baths in the ocean! The sand was just as white and smooth that I’ve hoped and yes, I got to see a beautiful sunset!

On the third day we took a simple course in surfing, since we both really wanted to try it out sometime. My daughter got the hang of it quite quickly, but I preferred the beach without a surfing board. I just fell and fell and fell, so I didn’t quite get thrill of it. But at least I tried and it was fun the little time I could stand on it! Although I think my daughter got a taste of it so now I probably need to get her a surfing board somehow… Maybe she could do snowboarding? We’ll see.

So later we also took a lesson in diving and snorkling. It was really nice to see whats under the surface in the ocean. We saw a lot of small fish and a few other creatures down on the bottom. At first I got a bit scared and didn’t really want to be in the water. I mean, it’s a bit spooky what’s under there! But then I calmed down. It’s interesting to see how much I, as an adult, can be triggered and at the same time my young daughter is completely fearless… When did I become old?!

However, most of the trip was just relaxing and enjoying the vacation. We both really want to do it again soon, so we’ll se where to go that time. I’m not sure, but I’ve always wanted to visit Rhodos… Well, we’ll see where the future leads us! Now I need to get ready since I have work to do. Just figured I could stop by here real quick and give you guys an update. Take care!

Longing for the vacation

As you all know I am going to Hawaii with my two daughters during the holidays and I am so excited. Yesterday I finally finished all the work for the schedule during the holidays so that we can go on our trip without me leaving all my clients on hold. So everyone who is in need of some laser therapy before christmas is getting a session. I was very clever and decided to only have sessions the week before, so that everyone who needed a session can feel fine during the two weeks when we will be on our vacation. A lot of my clients usually comes in for one session each month, of course depending on what kind of treatment they need. Other clients may wait six months or so. So it depends on the customer, but everyone who wants one per month is getting their session before the holidays or directly after the new year has begun. So I am very satisfied with how it all ended up. Now I can just continue to plan everything we are going to do and feel the stress leaving my body.

So now it soon time to go to Hawaii and I am so happy that it really turned out this way. Two whole weeks where we are going to swim, learn how to surf and backpack around the different islands. I am not sure yet on how many islands we are going to see. When I have read about the different islands it says almost everywhere that you really should have time to explore an island, and be there for a week or so. So I am a bit unsure on how we should do it, two or three islands. I think that four island might be to many, and we don’t want to spend to much time traveling while we are there. We want to enjoy the time so perhaps we only will do two islands so that we can enjoy doing nothing. No I don’t really know but right now that’s where my heart is at.

Otherwise there hasn’t been anything new happening in my life. It has been a lot of work since I was sick, and then also a lot of work to make the trip happen. So I haven’t been able to do anything more than work. But it feels okay since we are going to Hawaii soon. I am not sure if I have time to post anything more before the trip, but otherwise I will update you guys when we are home again!

Happy Holidays!

Ready for Hawaii vacation

The vacation plans are going well!

Last time I told you that I was planning a trip to Hawaii during the holidays with my daughters. And first of all I need to say thank you all! I got so many good tips from you guys on what we should do so I am getting more and more excited on this trip. I really just need every piece to fall in to their place. When everything is settled I am going to be so satisfied.

The first few tips that I got from you guys was to rent a car if we wanted to travel a lot. And I can agree that it seems like the best thing to do. Since we are away for almost 14 days we really have the time to explore a lot of different islands and places on them. Some of you also told me that you don’t need any passport to travel there if you live in the U.S and yes I realized that I haven’t told you that, but yes we do live in the U.S so I know that. But thank you for the tip!

And really thanks for you who told me to book the cars in advance since there sometimes aren’t so many cars available on the different islands. So I have to do some serious planning on when we are leaving for the different islands and villages so I know when we should have a car or so. But that’s not so interesting for you to know, so let’s go through the different fun things that you have sent me!

My both daughters loved the movie Lilo & Stitch so I have definitely planned a trip to the beautiful island of Kauai where the movie takes place. And I have gotten a few tips that the Poipu Beach on Kauai is one of the top 10 beaches on Hawaii so perhaps we will go there. Also many of you mentioned The Big Island as one of the islands that you need to visit. So except for Oahu I am thinking that Kauai and The Big Island is going to happen.

One of you wrote this about the Island Kauai to me:
“Kauai is Hawaii’s fourth largest island and is sometimes called the “Garden Isle,” which is an entirely accurate description. The oldest and northernmost island in the Hawaiian chain is draped in emerald valleys, sharp mountain spires and jagged cliffs, aged by time and the elements. Centuries of growth have formed tropical rainforests, forking rivers and cascading waterfalls. Some parts of Kauai are only accessible by sea or air, revealing views beyond your imagination.”
So you really sold it in that island to me.

Otherwise I got some tips on: hiking wherever since the islands are so beautiful, use a lot of sunscreen so that you can be outside everyday, to visit the volcano national park, to try poi, watch the traditional Polynesian dance and a whole lot more! So I got a few things to go through before I can decide completely what we will do.

Sunset at Hawaii

Hoping to se a sunset like this one!

Going for a vacation

Hello again everyone. It’s been a while again since i last wrote here. As you all know i was sick for a week and got a bit behind on work. But know i am back on track and it feels amazing. I have actually been planing a trip also, so it was very important for me to fix the schedule so that everything is on time again. I have been playing some poker lately but not much, and i came across a bit of a bigger win. So i am planning on going to Hawaii with my daughters.

Hawaii has always been a dream for them to travel to and especially to swim with dolphins. So i am using the money i won to plan the trip of their dreams. I am also looking forward to it so i can relax for a week and knowing that i have it planned. Not like when i was sick and everything got messed up. I am hoping that we will be able to go there over the winter holidays, but you can never be sure.

So this morning i have been doing mostly administration work so that everyone who needs a therapy session gets one before the holidays. Usually i am closed during the holidays but if someone really needed a session i have been seeing some of my customers in the days between Christmas eve and new years eve. But now they will have to get one session before and one after new years eve. So as you can tell I have a few pieces to put together so that everything works. It’s a month until Christmas so probably i will be able to do it.

Otherwise there haven’t been so much other stuff happening. I would like you to help me, if you have some tips of what you should visit and do on Hawaii, places to stay, anything! Please contact me, I would like to make this trip as good as i can. We haven’t been traveling so much in our family so now when we are going I really want it to be a great experience for everyone.

I have been going through some FAQ on the website gohawaii.com to learn some basics and so far i have learned that the major airport is the Honolulu International Airport (HNL) on Oahu. Therefor I have been looking for tickets to this airport, if it is the biggest it probably has the most flights connected to it so that was part one. According to GoHawaii most major domestic carriers and many international carriers serve Oahu, so i will probably find some good ones i believe.

I also learned that through November to February is the big surfing season on Hawaii so I am thinking that we should learn how to surf while we are there. I couldn’t actually think of a better way to spend Christmas. And it feels good that now that is my year to have my daughters, that I can take them to Hawaii. That was all for today!


What I did when I was sick: slept & gambled casino

Hello again, it has been a while since I wrote here. But you all know that I caught a real man cold and it actually had me home for the entire week. So last week I had to make some extra time for some of my clients who really needed one of my sessions. I was sick between Wednesday to Sunday and I really had a hard time. As I wrote before in my other post I become really restless when I am sick and I think it is really hard to be home and don’t do anything. But I managed this time also. I am not usually sick so much, but when it happens I often get really really sick for days. And that was what happened this time also. Therefore I haven’t really had the time to post on my blog since I have spent more hours in the office than usual.

Tips: things to do when you’re sick

But I will give you a few tips on what I did to survive my almost week inside haha!

Sleep, eat and watch movie

On Wednesday I didn’t do much actually. I was so tired that I only watched a movie and slept for the entire day. But often you easier get healthy if you listen to your body and don’t do a lot of stuff just to do it.


The second day was Thursday, and I was still feeling bad. And that day I did something I haven’t done in a while. I played poker all night. Yes I know that I shouldn’t have done that, and that it might seem weird since I told you all about my problem with it. But I actually had some really old fashion fun when I was gambling this time. I visited a site that was new for me, called casinoomega.com and it was really nice! Im not gonna write so much about this but it certainly had some casinos that I hadn’t heard about earlier. So I spent a few hours gambling and then went back to Wednesday mood and watched a movie and slept.

Casino chips


On Friday I was feeling much better so I decided to take a walk and get some fresh air. And I will tell you that really was something! I felt so much better after that and went home for a nice breakfast and a cup of tea. It was so good to be able to eat for the first time, well I have eaten of course but something else than soup and food like that. To eat crispy bread again with cheese and ham on was amazing.

When healthy again: meet the loved ones

Saturday and Sunday was even better so I could go in to town. It was so nice to see people again and to get some nice salad. I met my daughters for a lunch and we had a great time. On Sunday I mostly had to fix everything for the coming week and schedule all the clients that wanted to have a session as soon as possible.

So as you can see I didn’t do much for that week, but hey, you need those days also. And now I am healthier than ever and happy again!

Of course you can do many of these things when you’re healthy as well. If you like gambling you can check out casino reviews at casinoomega and choose a great casino where you can play popular games like slots, roulette and black jack.

not the best day for me

Good day everyone.

I hope you are having a better day than me. I have catched a real cold, a real man cold if you know what i mean. So i have not been able to work today, and probably won’t do that for the rest of the week either. So I had to start the day with calling my receptionist and ask her to cancel all the customers for the day. So everyone who was up for a laser session had to be cancelled since I could not make it. Otherwise some of my other employees can do the first meetings where people only wants to now more about laser therapy and perhaps book a session. So from this day and for the rest of the week I have cancelled all sessions. Of course i might be able to do it later in the week but I think that it is best for the customers also that i am completely healthy when I do the sessions with them.

So i asked my receptionist to call all the first meetings that are scheduled for next week and se if they would like to do it already this week, so that i could fit in some extra sessions next week since i can not make it now. Otherwise they will have to wait for a couple of weeks and that is not good for either me or the customer. So hopefully they will call me later today and have a new schedule for me.

Now i need some help from you guys. What am i gonna do when i am home and sick? I just do not know what to do. Today i went out of bed and had some breakfast. It took so long for me to make it today, i had no energy left. But i ate some greek yoghurt with berries and a cup of coffee. But my throat is bit sore so i think i will drink some tea instead during the day. One of my colleagues came over with some hot soup for me to eat for lunch and cough drop pills. But now when Christoffer has left I do not know what to do.

I have my computer that i can work some from which i have been doing this morning. Writing on the Facebook page that there is no sessions this week and trying to reach out to my customers so that they will know what is going on. But now i will have to do something else. I think that i will start by watching a movie but i have a hard time to just lay down and do nothing while I am sick. I always want to be active so to be sick is something that is really testing my patience. – 469

So now i will try to watch a movie and drink a hot cup of tea to make my throat feel a bit better. At least i have spent some time by writing this post now haha!


How I began playing casino

Hello everyone!
I have decided to tell you guys why me and my wife got a divorce. When I have read my own blog I came to think that it is only happy posts in it so I have now decided to also have a post about something that isn’t that great. Today I don’t feel so bad about us breaking up, of course if everything worked between us we would still be a couple but there is not a happy ending for all couples out there. The biggest mistake I made all those years ago was actually that I lied to my wife. A lot of times I have asked myself if we would still be a couple if i hadn’t lied to her, and perhaps we would. That is something that I will never know so I have moved on from that.

Okay, back to the thing. I started lying to my wife because i got sort of a gambling addiction. I didn’t loose all our money or something like that. I didn’t loose anything at all actually. I got a casino bonus from an online casino and started playing at casinos when I still had the video shop. I did it a lot to kill some time and when you started winning it was really fun. But I did it behind her back and i never told my wife that I spent so much time gambling. And when she found out she was devastated. She was really scared that I would loose all our savings when I actually had put a lot of money form my gambling in to the savings. We started fighting over this and it just kept on going. She wouldn’t accept it while I meant that it gave us a lot of money. So in the end we decided to split up since we couldn’t get pass that point where we fought over anything.

I still gamble today, even though it didn’t work out that great last time. The gambling is something precious to me since it allowed me to open up my laser therapy reception. I know it is bad to do it, but I have realized that it wasn’t the gambling itself that was the problem. It was that I lied about it for so long and that we no longer had any trust in the relationship. So for a future relationship I have promised myself to tell the truth from the beginning.

I know it sound a bit depressing but everything is fine now. And I thought that I would end this post with my favorite site right now. The latest trend in online casinos is free spins and a couple of weeks ago I found a new one. It is called freespins365.co.uk and almost everyday you can find a new offer on a site that has a free spins offer. So if you like me like to gamble, check that site out! I don’t want you to think that this is something that I do daily. It is more of a hobby, and I never do it when I have my kids. I don’t steel time from other things to play, I play when I have some time over and feel like I want to play. Hope you don’t get a bad impression of me now!

/ Marcus
Casino gambling is one of my interests